Get ready Rory

Hey internet!  I am back from Idaho, back from working several days in a row and ready to Whole 30!  Tomorrow is the big day.  Day 1.  So today I did a loop of different grocery stores to stock up and start prep for R and my second crack at Whole 30.  Two things I was excited to find: Primal Kitchen Mayo and Whole 30/Paleo friendly bacon at Whole Foods!  Also, nut pods, the Whole 30 approved creamer for coffee.


Alllll the goodies.  I’m kinda nervous about this go round, maybe just because worrying is sort of my “thing,” but also because I don’t want to fail.  The hardest part about Whole 30 is the inconvenience.  You can’t find all the food in the same store, you can’t eat out as easily, every meal must be planned.  So please join me on this journey!  And bear with me.

R and I have the rest of the weeks meals planned out, or planned out as best we can.  Tomorrow I have to work, so I made my easy chicken salad for lunch, and have cauliflower hummus and carrots for a snack.  I’ll probably do eggs and sweet potato for breakfast to fill me up, and then I have a Lara bar as second breakfast, and I’ll pack some other Whole 30 approved snacks to keep me friendly and from craving.  Whole 30 discourages snacking, but it is hard to have a long commute, long hours at work, and plenty of candies/treats at my fingertips.  SO almonds and Lara bars it is!

Hummus is not very photogenic.  It tastes pretty good though, a perfectly acceptable replacement for the real deal.  It really tastes like cauliflower though.  Many Whole 30 recipes use cauliflower as a replacement, like as the mac in mac and cheese or as mashed potatoes or rice but to me it always ends up just tasting like cauliflower.  But out of the replacement foods, I think I may like the hummus the best.  We’re going to try the mashed fauxtatoes this week though, so we’ll see who will come out on top in the pantheon of cauliflower foods.


I will try to write an entry for each day of Whole 30 so anyone out there doing it can get recipe ideas or inspiration to do Whole 30 🙂

So tomorrow.


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